Why we built Bash

Imagine a tool that streamlines your workflow, reduces information overload, and significantly speeds up planning, strategy, and writing.

This is Bash – built by a team that was previously at Google, Android, and Uber and has years of experience building productivity tools.

Our mission is to
free up your time, and make work
more rewarding and fulfilling

Do away with
information overload

We're bombarded with a constant flow of information, from things shared in meetings to documents, articles and more.

Bash provides a personalized work feed that effortlessly connects with thousands of apps, allows you to record meetings, and works with other information you provide.

While many AI tools focus on content creation, Bash is designed to help you triage, organize, and act on this information within seconds.

Artificial Intelligence
+ Human Creativity

Most AI tools today are just not good enough, especially when it comes down to generating content that matches human quality and is free from hallucinations.

Bash focuses on information you provide making it easier to trust what it comes up with. You can also brainstorm with it side-by-side and add the final touches using the built-in editor.

We solve the blank page problem and
you bring it over the finish line.

A (R)evolutionary Approach
to Productivity

Bash is inspired by news feed readers, document editors and knowledge management tools but built from the ground up for the AI era.

Bash provides a seamless AI-enabled workflow that significantly cuts down the time you spend on repetitive tasks and allows you to become 10x more productive.

Ready to
Try This Out?

Free yourself from the drudgery of routine knowledge work and instead focus on tasks that are both rewarding and fulfilling.

Effectively compile meeting minutes, gain a competitive edge, or derive actionable insights from articles with Bash.